• NovaThreads™

    PDO (Polydioxanone) Threads

    NovaThreads™ (PDO threads) is a non-invasive treatment that improves the look and feel of loose and saggy skin. It's especially effective in challenging areas to treat with fillers, giving you an instant non-surgical facelift!

  • The best candidates for Thread Lift might see noticeable signs of facial aging. Thread Lift can be a great solution to help improve the appearance of jowls, sagging skin, wrinkles and loss of facial volume to achieve a smoother and more youthful look and feel to your complexion.

  • Thread Lift is a nonsurgical, minimally-invasive procedure that typically takes about 45 minutes to complete in-office. One of the many benefits of a Thread Lift is that it doesn’t require any downtime following your treatment session, so you can expect to return to work and normal daily activities as soon as you leave our office. The procedure itself involves the use of suspension sutures that can be safely absorbed by your body and therefore do not need to be removed. Your Practitioner will use a needle to carefully place the sutures under the skin in key points along the contours of your face. These sutures provide a subtle, natural-looking lifting effect, resulting in smoother, tighter skin without requiring surgery. As an added bonus, Thread Lifts can stimulate the production of natural collagen fibers in your skin, which will gradually begin to perform the work of the sutures on their own, providing long-lasting results.

  • Most people enjoy immediate results after their Thread Lift procedure, with more noticeable results after 1-2 weeks, although you may experience some bruising or swelling directly afterwards. These symptoms should diminish within the next 2 or 3 days, however, fully revealing your youthful new look. Although Thread Lift does have the ability to help stimulate your skin’s natural collagen production, thus giving you long-lasting results, no type of cosmetic surgery can stop the aging process altogether. For this reason, you may need an additional procedure or touch-ups down the road to maintain your results long-term.